Within the next months, the process systems installed by MSU-90 at the pipeline pigs start-up site will be connected to the pipeline laid from “Slavyanskaya” compressor station under construction by PGSC Gazprom. Therefore, construction of the on-shore “Northern Stream-2” section in Ust-Luga will be finalised. Hydraulic tests have been recently commenced at the facility.

MSU-90 specialists entered this international project in spring 2018. Separate business unit was specifically established, now employing approximately 600 people. Those are construction and installation specialists, welders, engineering and technical staff. Some of them are experienced at the “Northern Stream” (first) and “Turk stream” construction and were hired by MSU-90 intentionally for this project.

“This is an interesting project with non-typical design. We studied it piece by piece, going through the hard times. Last winter was snowy, while the civil works were in its full spate. For this project, we have become a sole system, and I am proud of my team. There is no doubt that the experience gained here will be well applied by our specialists at the future MSU-90 projects, including international nuclear facilities”, - said Karina Ilnitskaya, Project Manager, JSC MSU-90 Deputy CEO for production preparation.

During the year and a half since the project commencement, MSU-90 did a huge amount of work: over 3500 piles drilled, over 150,000 cubic meters of aggregates laid, over 15,000 cubic meters of concrete poured, over 12,000 inches of joints welded, over 700 tonnes of equipment installed. All these works fully comply with the international and Russian quality standards.

One of the most interesting and complicated stages under this project was the construction of the anchor blocks acting as the “fixture” ensuring pipeline stability. Erection of this structure, which is equal to a five-story building in size and located below the ground level, was commenced with the underwater concreting. One can hardly find that challenging equivalent in Russian construction practice.

The whole scope of civil and mechanical installation works will be completed by the end of the year, which fits into the deadlines set forth in the project schedule. During the warm season, MSU-90 specialists will finalise the landscaping.


Titan-2 Holding is the largest in the North-West group of companies, constructing the most important nuclear industry and power facilities. The company performs a full range of construction and installation works from engineering to commissioning.

Titan-2 Holding is the general contractor for the construction of the Leningrad NPP-2 power units. The Holding Companies perform all the civil, installation, and electrical works at a construction site. The works are carried out in the reactor, turbine, power supply, water supply, heat cogeneration buildings and other power unit structures.