Refueling machine was set into motion in the reactor building of Power Unit 1 of the LNPP under construction. It is a mechanism intended for nuclear fuel transfer to the reactor and for replacement of spent nuclear fuel.

The equipment weighing over 60 tons is at level  +26,000 above the fuel pool and reactor cavity.

The refueling machine first-time start was performed with the use of a portable operator panel. Further on it will be controlled from the remote operator panel. It is in the safety building and is being prepared for putting into operation. Cabinets, operator panels, simulation server, displays and video cameras have been installed in the room.

All installation work related to the operation of the refueling machine was executed by the specialists of the Fifth Unit of JSC “SEM”. The mechanism proper was installed by the employees of JSC “MSU-90”.

The refueling machine is unique due to its memory which saves coordinates of each fuel assembly. Further on the operator will enter the coordinates required, while the refueling machine will install the fuel by itself, according to the set parameters.

Now the specialists have been tasked to adjust the refueling machine operation. Then, with the use of the machine, fuel assemblies’ simulators will be loaded to the reactor.


The Holding “Titan-2” is the largest in the North-West group of companies, erecting the most important objects of the nuclear industry and energy. The organization performs a full range of construction and installation works from engineering to commissioning.

The Holding “Titan-2” is one of the main contractors for the construction of power units No. 1 and No. 2 of the Leningradskaya NPP-2. Main organizations of the company perform 30% of general construction and 80% of installation works on the site. Specialists of the holding are engaged on the objects of the Leningradskaya NPP-2 first and second power units. The works are being performed in the buildings of the reactor, turbine, electricity, water, heating system and other structures of power units.